"The Marie Kondo for your business and life." - T.M.


Create a plan, get organized, shift your limiting stories,
build your skills and confidence to consistently make empowered decisions and take actions that get
the results that actually matter! 




The DDA Method is for you if: 

  • You've read the productivity books, bought boat loads of different planners, tried the time management apps but still don't feel organized and "productive".
  • You have a vision of a streamlined, thriving business, and time on the weekends but you haven't been able to implement that strategic plan so you keep getting sucked back into the daily grind.
  • You're sabotaging yourself with outdated unconscious stories about who you are, how hard you have to work, the money you can make, and what is possible for you. You know they are BS, but you just can't change them.
  • You've tried to set up planning, time management and scheduling systems, and change your habits (like setting morning routines and not working nights), but you haven't been able to make them stick.
  • You're suffering from decision fatigue and lack of boundaries - with yourself and others - so you're constantly renegotiating your time and can't be fully present for anything or anyone - including yourself.
  • You feel like regardless of how much you get done, it's never enough and you're still not where you want to be.


A profoundly effective 7 step method that will change the way you live and work so you
 quickly become the driving force in your world.



  • Having a crystal clear vision and customized plan that is deeply rooted in your core values and your definition of freedom so that you are actually creating the life and business that YOU want.
  • Feeling inspired by your goals, confident in your next steps and your ability to execute, so that you quickly and easily get things done.
  • Clearing your limiting stories so you get out of your own way and quickly start experiencing and attracting what you want - more joy, time, money, support.
  • Having the courage to simplify your commitments, say no to distractions, and implement healthy boundaries so you have more focus and freedom.
  • Being organized, with new streamlined systems and powerful habits in place so everything is more efficient and easier.
  • Having a schedule that actually works so that you are grounded, productive, and present for the things that really matter.
  • Knowing that when life throws you a curve ball (or 10 like the last year has for all of us) you have a solid foundation underneath you and are anchored in your true priorities so you can adjust your plans and navigate any storm with more clarity, ease and grace.



How can I be so sure The DDA Method works?

I used this method to shift from being a workaholic and years of struggling with my health and self esteem. I got clear on what I wanted, my values and priorities, rebuilt my business, tripled my income, and moved from being energetically and financially bankrupt to living in alignment and abundance.

Hundreds of savvy individuals and business owners are using
The DDA Method to empower themselves daily and continue
to make their impossible – possible.


In the first six weeks of the program, I accomplished more than I had in the previous six months! Learning the DDA Method and adopting this dynamic system and approach has been a game-changer for me and my business.  I will use this for the rest of my life!  - Stephanie Wood, Master EFT Trainer and Financial Therapist

The DDA Method is an invaluable program that invited me to untangle myself and get more organized. I explored and redefined how I'm showing up in my business and life, my core values, the stories I was wrestling with and what to let go of and the changes to make in my business systems and habits. I clarified my goals and created a plan using the exclusive DDA Planner.  - Tammy Martin, TrailBlazer/CEO Martin Marketing 

Since working with Leah and implementing the DDA methods and tools I’ve become laser focused and more productive. The best part, though, is how I FEEL about my art practice and my decision to be a full-time artist. - Jody Macdonald, Visual Artist

I had worked for 6 months without a day off and felt like my life was crashing in around me so I started working with The DDA Method  to to get my life in alignment, my health on track and my business back in order. I have felt an tremendous shift from, “hustle ‘till I drop,” to creating work with intention and focus. - Carla Contreras, Food Stylist and Health Coach




  • Take a deep, holistic look at where you are right now in your life, business or work
  • Identify what's working and not working and gather fiercely accurate insights
  • Get crystal clear on where your greatest gaps are so you know exactly what to focus your attention on to make the biggest impact
  • Dive into the core of your the resistance (yup, it's gonna rise) and learn the fastest way to move through it - time and time again

You'll wrap Module 1 with a true understanding of where you are and an empowered sense of responsibility.  



The DDA Method is a NOT just a one-off course that leaves you flailing on your own!
This program is a unique combination of an-easy-to-digest training and 12 months of live sessions so you create real, long lasting changes! 


Receive immediate access to all trainings with everything you need to implement The DDA Method, principles, and strategies easily. Each module specifically builds on the previous one to ensure you're building a solid foundation to create what you truly desire.  


These interactive sessions are designed to connect, answer questions, and discuss the strategies, principles, and tools you are learning. This is a conversation style call format held on Zoom. All sessions are recorded if you can't attend live. 


These dynamic sessions are designed to help you implement this powerful planning process. You'll master the essential practices of: reflection, shifting your stories, measuring your traction, and clearly identifying your strategic next steps.  You'll be kept accountable, focused and achieving your goals. All sessions are recorded if you can't attend live.


The retreats are designed to ensure that you are crystal clear on your bigger vision, top goals and priorities at the start of the year and mid year point. This ensures that your daily and weekly activities remain on track and in alignment with your long term vision.  All sessions are recorded if you can't attend live.


Join the private Facebook Community and receive prompts to keep you on track,  deep connections and resources, as well as the opportunity to share your insights and celebrate!  If you do not wish to be part of the FB Group or have confidential questions you can always email us directly to receive support. You will simply not get lost in the crowd!


You will receive the exclusive, beautiful hard cover, DDA Planner sent right to your doorstep! The DDA Planner is designed to ensure you have all of your plans and priorities in ONE place for an entire year. Helping you establish essential habits and keep you fiercely focused your goals so you knock that vision out of the park! Prefer to work online? You will also receive an editable, digital copy.  

"The DDA Planner is one of the key tools that grounds me into my life and business, anchors me in what is important every day so I feel empowered to take my next steps and know that I am indeed in the driver's seat — even during hard times when unexpected life happens." – Kim Fenton

"The DDA Planner is a tool that has helped me stay sane and focused in the midst of the 2020 chaos and continuously work through my own blocks." - Tammy Martin


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Your health and vitality has a direct impact on your capacity to reach your goals. In this video training and workbook you'll create a vision for your health, shift you beliefs, create a plan and implement habits to feel empowered in your body in a whole new way.

{VALUE: $97}

Your ability to make effective decisions has a huge impact on reaching your goals. The DDA Expansion Method for Decision Making is a powerful method that supports you to make consistently aligned decisions with ease.

I'm a business strategist and lifestyle designer, the creator of The DDA Method and the CEO of THE DEFINE DESIGN ALIGN CO. 

An entrepreneur for over twenty years with businesses in Australia, England, Japan and Canada in health, marketing, import, education and offshore finance.

I’ve also been lost, known the razor-sharp blade of abuse, been crushed by self doubt and the desperation of bankruptcy.

Suffering and I were once on a first-name basis. 

And… I’ve independently raised an amazing kid. Climbed mountains and traveled the globe. I’ve built successful businesses and made six figures with integrity.

I've had the absolute pleasure of helping hundreds of courageous, uber-savvy individuals and business owners reclaim their lives, align their businesses and create freedom on their terms. It would be my honour to dance with you. 

Working with Leah and the DDA Method, I learned how to believe in myself and to gently strip away my stories holding me back from realizing my dreams. My intangible but priceless results: clarity, focus, joy and confidence.  I have time to paint, for self care and my family and friends. - Marlene Lowden, Artist and Yogi

The DDA Method  -  the modules, workbooks, live on-line sessions and individual support from Leah helped me to get clear on where I was at, where I wanted to go and what steps could take me there.  I highly recommend Leah and the DDA Method to anyone who is ready to do the work to truly thrive in their life.   - Lana McMartin

Saying YES to The DDA Method Foundation Training was the best decision.  I had no idea just how much rich and empowering guidance I was about to absorb. Leah provides powerful and practical tools for simplifying, streamlining and aligning life and business management and she shares them in a generous way that quickly amplified my readiness and confidence to take my life, business and vision to the next level.  - Megan Shannon Martin, CPTSD Warrior 

 I loved The DDA Method Foundation Training.  I already plan on joining again next year. What I got out of it was so much more than I expected. I clarified what I wanted to accomplish in my art business and personal goals that weren't even on my radar. I learned methods for organizing and managing all of life and business, including ways to break through the stories we tell ourselves.  - Hannah Lowe Corman, Artist, Mindfulness and Meditation

The DDA Method is extremely potent.  I've worked through my stories, started to systematize my business and life, have reclaimed so much time and value my worth rather than feeling run ragged and energetically broke. You can't really put a price on that!  - Cindy Stockdale, Business  Manager, Magic Maker


  • The Seven Module DDA Method Training and Planning System
  • The DDA Planner (Exclusive Hard Cover & Digital Version)
  • 2 x Monthly Live Group Sessions
  • 2 x Road Mapping Retreats
  • Private Facebook Community
  • Bonus #1: The DDA Your Health Training
  • Bonus #2: The DDA Expansion Method for Decision Making

SAVE $500

Get started for only $75!

12 Monthly Payments of

  • * Save $400 with payment plan
    Price in CAD or USD based on location


  • * Save $500 with pay in full
    Price in CAD or USD based on location


If you have another question or you're not sure if The DDA Method is right for you at this time, please send an email to

The skills I’ve learned over the course of a very short period of time have been game changers. And ones I use on a daily basis. I wanted more ease, financial freedom and pleasure — all of which have come to fruition since working with Leah.  I increased my revenue by 25% and two things I had listed on my “$5 million/ideal life vision” both came to fruition. - Victoria Maxwell, Speaker and Wellness Warrior

For the first time I have the tools I need, a team to work with and I feel supported. DDA is a fantastic set of tools to rejig your life and business with!  Ones that have included  ladders, kleenex, CEO shoes, and hot tubs! There has been some universal magic too! - Alex Anglin, CEO Puddlegear

I have gone from a “shy”, unsure person/ CEO to a confident lady/ CEO getting shit done!!! I no longer work those crazy hours; I am reaching my financial goals and I am excited every day to go to work.   My business is on track to successfully support me doing what I love to do and to be able to sell when I want to retire. The best thing is how much happier and more confident I am. - Lorraine Caple, Tapestry Gardens

Leah's DDA Method and tools helped me figure out the gaps and glitches that needed attention and my next steps. Her approach helped me realize that we're all continuously refining our life and business, and it's a whole lot more fun to do that with self-compassion and within a great community.  - Tzaddi Gordon, Creative Director and Artist