Speaker, Actor, Courage & Creativity Catalyst
To set the stage, it would be good for you to know that I was initially probably one of Leah’s toughest clients. I knew about her business services for four years before I was willing to work with her.
I don’t part with my money easily when it comes to coaching or consulting. I’ve been burnt before, so I was very wary and did my due diligence to ensure I was investing my money wisely. I grilled her on more than one occasion about her business acumen. (Can you tell I have trust issues?) After several conversations I realized she really did know what she was talking about. Later that summer, I enrolled in her 6-month DDA coaching program.
My business was healthy and sustainable, but I wanted more. I wanted to make a good thing better: increase my revenue and create additional profitable services and products that would expand my reach. I was frustrated with feeling like I was treading water in my business, even though the level of success I had experienced so far was good.
There were some things I wanted to create to bring more ease and financial freedom to my life both in business and pleasure — all of which have come to fruition since working with Leah.
I wanted to start speaking to a new target market while continuing to speak to my established one. Check: I spoke at PowHerHouse, a women’s business event giving a new talk that I can also use for my healthcare client audience.
I wanted to create new streams of income: Leah helped coach me in the promotion and launch of a new series of workshops. The first two were sold out, the third looks like it might be too.
I wanted to increase my profile and platform: I have finally (F-I-N-A-L-L-Y) started writing one of my books that I have yapped about writing for years. I plan for it to be released next year along with another set of workshops and talks.
Working with Leah not only has given me those tangible results, but the foundation of courage to understand the value I offer people and how to translate that into a business model that works more efficiently and more profitably than before.
Synchronistically and materially – I increased my revenue by 25%. In Feb 2016, two things I had listed on my “$5 million / ideal life vision” were a hot tub and a personal chef. In March, my husband found a great deal on a wood-fired hot tub. Then, at a business fair in our neighbourhood, I met two local women who cook great hot meals at reasonable prices for people who sometimes work long hours and want a break from cooking. Voilà. Shit like that happens when you work with Leah.
Leah’s got my back. She sees the big picture of my business yet also hones in on the exact details that needs tweaking in order to get me to the next level. The mark of a great coach and teacher is someone who gives their clients tools to empower them to create their own success, long after their clients have finished working with them. Landing and launching, CEO practices, experience words, accountability, consistent planning are skills I’ve learned with her over the course of a very short period of time that all have been game changers — and tools I use on a daily basis.
The community I have found uniquely supportive and helpful. I’m not a “women’s group or joiner” at the best of times, so I was leery of this cheerleading squad. But it’s far more than just treacle. I receive valuable resources, accountability, advice and, yes, even support when I need it. As a solopreneur I work in isolation and forgot how practical and powerful connecting with a group of like-minded people (women) can be. It’s made my experience of work even more positive and improved my productivity.
– Victoria Maxwell