Well, it’s here…
This holiday, I’ve stayed mostly unplugged to focus on my family, do my own review + re-connect with what rocks my world.
I thought I’d send a note + share my greatest lesson learned (or more like re-learned) + how I’m setting myself up to do some things differently in 2015.
In many ways, I had a great year… I launched programs, worked with incredible clients + really focused on my family.
AND… I totally bombed at taking really good care of myself!
It started to in June when the kids got out of school early + summer break started off being behind. So, although I deeply enjoyed lots of fun at the beach with the kids, I spent the better part of four months juggling, up too many late nights to stay on top of things until the kids went back to school – literally the day before the Soul + Strategy Program launched.
With everything in motion, I ignored the signs, pulled out “the badge of self sacrifice” I’ve worn many times before, set my self care aside + basically plowed through the fall.
And when everything successfully wrapped in November,
I physically + energetically crashed.
Considering one of my core belief is that there’s really no point in reaching those milestones unless you thrive on your journey, I had basically created an experience that was pretty much totally out of whack with what’s most important to me.
Life happens. Priorities slip, things get out of alignment + it’s easy to fall back into patterns that don’t support rocking it out!
And at the same time, how you show up for yourself is your choice –
especially when things start hopping on high gear!
My post marathon slump was enough for me to finally make the decision to take a leap. One big, deep breath later – I sent an email to Meg Worden, a seriously cool woman + health coach, I’d been connecting with – or more like dancing around for a few months + said – OK, let’s do this.
It’s one thing to KNOW what you need to do (Yup.. I was a health coach for 6 years). It’s a completely different ball game to DO something different. And it was time.
What I know about change is that it all comes down to the moment by moment decisions you make that either bring you closer to what you desire or further away.
Commitment + consistency are your keys that include the sometimes totally mundane routines + habits that make all the difference. Yup…it’s the small things that count over and over again!
Aristotle knew what he was talking about when he said,
“Excellence is not an act, but a habit.”
For me, doing something different this coming year meansvpracticing self care in a much deeper, more meaningful way + receiving support. That someone to help me hold my attention to my commitments…
someone who has my back, will kick my ass + remind me to see humour + grace in it all.
Curious to know what I’ve been doing so far in the short time I’ve been working with Meg?
Well, I’m doing all the things I already knew worked for me; Pilates, Yoga, less sugar + coffee, more vitamins + shakes etc. I’m also doing some new things; 5 minutes in the morning with my head on the floor “meditating” while Merlin tries to nuzzle my face (see below), drinking chlorophyll, taking deep breaths + “growing my roots” (it’s another story with a Mermaid in it)
What has changed?
You see, I feel good…not in the in the “run a marathon” kind of way but in the lighter, present, peaceful, strong kind of way + my inner voice has totally chilled out + found her sense of humour again.
How we feel matters most. And you need support like everyone to feel more of what you want… whether it’s joy, love, creativity, freedom, abundance… you get to choose! (How cool is that??!!)
So, whether you hire a coach, massage therapist, financial adviser or psychic, find a housekeeper or bookkeeper, join a group or connect with a friend as mutual accountability partners – whoever, however –
my hope for you this new year is to find support for YOU!
Here’s to you taking the leap, closing that gap, finding someone to help you cross that bridge.
You will be so grateful you did it!
To a nourished year ahead!