what does it take to truly thrive in your life & business?

After attending the Wisdom 2.0 Conference with 1500 people who are in hot pursuit of thriving in business and life and exploring how to cultivate mindfulness from the crib to the board room,  I am even more inspired to share my observations of what it truly takes to thrive.

To “thrive” is an experience, a feeling, a way of being and navigating through one’s life. It’s not attached to a specific set of criteria – amount of money, type of car, clothing size or job description. It’s an essence…

You know it when you feel it or observe it in that person who seems to have the “secret” to life tucked in their pocket. The ones who appear to navigate the terrain of life with less effort, more grace and energy. They are magnets for opportunities, abundance and you can’t help but gravitate towards them.

There isn’t one “secret” to thriving yet, after working with exceptional individuals I have observed some very specific shared characteristics, beliefs and actions. Ones that I personally seek to foster. A list continue to add to.

They …

  • believe in the power of a crystal clear vision
  • have a plan
  • value time as one of their greatest resources
  • use their intuition as often as metrics & only do things that feel right
  • trust when things don’t go as planned
  • know how to leverage just about anything
  • have clean, clear boundaries & honor them with grace
  • take responsibility for their experience
  • accept what is not in their control
  • are decisive on things – big & small
  • distinguish quickly between distraction & opportunity
  • ask for help, find expertise – often
  • have a consistent method to bring them home to their heart & into their body – whether it’s yoga, art, writing, fishing …
  • know their numbers – whether it’s their personal or business
  • choose simplicity, look for the easiest route & the low hanging fruit
  • embrace their feelings & know how to express them
  • are passionate about something
  • seek deep connection & true joy

This time of the year feels like the “meantime”. Halfway through the first quarter, part way through “winter”, not quite seeing the sprouts of spring … the perfect time to reflect, weed your own garden and focus on what you can do to cultivate more nourishment and sunshine in your life. A little more bounce in your stride.

I’ll ask you, as I asked myself – of the list above, what is one key point above that you know you need to nurture? Write it down and decide what specific actions you are going to take in the month of March to make it more a part of how you navigate your life.

Here’s to the “meantime” – when the juicy stuff in life really happens.