Happy New Year and hello expectations and overwhelm…

Happy New Year Wise Warrior,  


I hope you deeply enjoyed your holiday experience! The New Year is here and let’s be honest – you may or may not be quite so ready for it.


As a girl who loves dancing with visions and possibility and totally digs mapping out plans to make things happen – I love the New Year.


And, I can pretty quickly find myself pendulum swinging between that sneaky unfinished business of 2015,  the somewhat monumental to do list to just get things rolling again and the grande goals and desired outcomes for the year ahead.


Throw in some good old stories of doubt, procrastination and self induced expectations with the natural inclination to hibernate and well… somewhere between the clock striking midnight on December 31st and January 3rd, it can all get a bit overwhelming.


So, whether you are leaping into this New Year with bells on or you are wishing the clock would roll back a bit, here are five simple things to take the pressure off as you navigate the next few weeks. 
  1. Know you are not alone and toss the gremlins. Excited, overwhelmed, nervous, happy, pressured… whatever you are feeling you are in great company with other perfectly imperfect humans – all just navigating the best they can while leaning into the year ahead! Chances are you also have a few gremlins telling you how you “should” be feeling, so the first thing to do is let them go, so you can…
  2. Honour how you really feel.  We can’t truly experience our lives, learn from or change what we deny. So, instead of forcing the sun to shine -give yourself permission to feel how you feel so you have the chance to get curious and unveil what’s really going on.
  3. Then decide how you want to feel. Yes, it’s a choice. You get to choose how you want to feel whether you like it or not. (And a side note here… if you are not done feeling those crappier feelings then you may need to spend a bit more time there too.)
  4. Then ask yourself… “what do I need to feel the way I want to feel.” Grab a piece of paper and pen and let the answers flow.  Maybe you need to take it easy, nourish yourself and delay your big New Year launch until late-January. Maybe you need to get organized and clear your path for new things to come or maybe it’s calling a friend for tea and asking for some support. Whatever it is – I’ve got news for you – If you take care of what YOU need, with clarity and grace, everything else falls into place!
  5. Make a very short list of your immediate priorities (for the next couple of weeks) and block out time for that bigger vision stuff. Especially at this time of year, it’s easy for our big visions to compete with what needs to get done today and there’s often a pretty big gap between the two. This is where creating a Land + Launch Rhythm is key in helping you carve out the time and focus for both. If you haven’t done so already, download my free Land + Launch Guide and Template or of course, it would be wonderful to have you and a friend join me for the 2016 ROAD MAPPING SERIES. Details below.


Finally, if your holidays were a bit a blur and you simply didn’t have a chance to really bring 2015 to a close then before you do anything at all –
download your 2015 ANNUAL REFLECTION & CELEBRATION WORKBOOK in Word Document (via my website), curl up with a cup of tea and answer these simple and powerful questions to clear your path for 2016.


Here’s to a New Year filled with YOUR greatest experience of FREEDOM AND JOY!