Summer is on the horizon and something feels different.
There’s a yearning to boldly adventure out into the world and connect while in the same breath wanting to take is slow and steady.
It’s like getting back on board a ship knowing you need to first find your sea legs before the boat gets too far out of the harbour.
This season can bring long, relaxed, free flowing summer nights right alongside full schedules and the pressure to entertain visitors, keep kids active and plan trips while meeting important business objectives.
What can easily get lost in the kick off to this season is taking the time to get crystal clear on how you want to feel and your real business and personal priorities so you wrap the summer feeling connected and refreshed while getting the important things done.
Which is why I wanted to invite you to set things down a little earlier this year and take a moment to walk through this powerful practice so you’re deeply anchored before the summer winds pick up.
Your Summer Bucket List is NOT just a list of things to do.
It’s a call to reflect, focus on the meaningful experiences that you want to create and become devoted to your real priorities in a whole new way.
I’m super excited because I’ve expanded your workbook to include a NEW editable Canva template to get inspired and creative with Your Summer Bucket List.
Download it here. Share this template with your family, partner or your team!
Summer Bucket List Giveaway!
(Runs until July 16, 2022)
If you create your Summer Bucket List template, post it on social media (Facebook, Instagram, IG Stories) and tag me (@leahgoard) in it, you’ll be entered into the summer draw to win a Private Road Mapping Session with me to help you solidify your strategic summer plans ($450 Value).
As you move into your summer, please remember that the greatest magic in our lives happens in the moments in between the big plans… playing cards as you wait for the ferry, roasting marshmallows, watching the humming birds, water fights, impromptu hikes… the ones that are so easy to miss.
Here’s to designing your summer adventures around what you most desire!
> Your Summer Bucket List Download