Stop making money mean something it’s not

The narrative you choose around money has a huge impact on your financial independence. You can craft stories that continue the cycle of scarcity and self sabotage or ones that empower you to step into financial freedom. You get to choose the meaning the money holds. That $50,000 debt you…
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The #1 reason you’re not reaching your financial goals

Most people have money goals they deeply want to achieve to create financial independence and freedom. Yet, money is hands down one of the hardest things for so many people to consistently focus on. There are big, clear gaps between their desire and their actions. Consider this… The average person…
Read moreabout:The #1 reason you’re not reaching your financial goals

Money and decision fatigue. Stuck or tired? This is for you {+ Sneak Peek Video}

Adults make a whopping average of 35,000 decisions a day. No wonder we get overwhelmed and stuck sometimes! Now, consider how many of those are directly or indirectly impacted by your relationship with money and your numbers. You’re making a financial decision when you… Eat pasta instead of steak Change…
Read moreabout:Money and decision fatigue. Stuck or tired? This is for you {+ Sneak Peek Video}