During my twenties, I used to joke that “commitment” was the real C word. Freedom was what I most desired which was reflected in every new country I lived in and each different evolution of myself I stepped into. I was so focused on my quest to be untethered from external commitments…


I’m packing up my bags to head to a training in Austin, Texas this week.​As I was making the decision to go, I noticed how easy it was to make the commitment and the investment. Money decisions used to be extremely difficult. ​​It wasn’t until I defined what I truly valued, shifted my…
Read moreabout:MONEY DECISIONS, DATES AND TEXAS! {FREE Money Templates}

How to navigate this changing landscape

I recently returned from 10 days in Montreal and a two week communication break. I had a great time and the truth is that I also had a harder time unplugging this holiday… for valid reasons. I’m in the exciting process of redesigning key areas in my business and experiencing…
Read moreabout:How to navigate this changing landscape

Money and decision fatigue. Stuck or tired? This is for you {+ Sneak Peek Video}

Adults make a whopping average of 35,000 decisions a day. No wonder we get overwhelmed and stuck sometimes! Now, consider how many of those are directly or indirectly impacted by your relationship with money and your numbers. You’re making a financial decision when you… Eat pasta instead of steak Change…
Read moreabout:Money and decision fatigue. Stuck or tired? This is for you {+ Sneak Peek Video}

Becoming financially empowered is NOT about the money {FREE Money Road Map Template}

If you’re struggling to feel financially empowered, know your numbers, create systems and habits that keep you on track so you can make confident financial decisions… you’re not alone. Yet, the interesting thing is that most of the time it’s not really about the money.  What’s stopping you from your next…
Read moreabout:Becoming financially empowered is NOT about the money {FREE Money Road Map Template}

If you have money goals this year, read this

Most people have money goals they deeply want to achieve to support their freedom and independence (pay off debt, save, invest etc.) Yet, money is hands down one of the hardest things for so many people to consistently focus on.There are big, clear gaps between the desire and the action….
Read moreabout:If you have money goals this year, read this

If you only learn one thing from me this year, let it be this

Your identity – who you choose to be plays a significant role in your experience and results. Most of the time we’re working extremely hard to create different outcomes in our businesses and lives, unaware that we’re coming from the same place over and over again expecting something to new…
Read moreabout:If you only learn one thing from me this year, let it be this

Financial Independence is one of the best decisions you will ever make

I’ve been talking a lot about money recently. How your relationship to money directly impacts every area in your life How your limiting money stories can block your ability to grow your business and create greater financial independence How if you’re not deeply rooted in your own definition of financial…
Read moreabout:Financial Independence is one of the best decisions you will ever make