BREATHE over the holidays + THRIVE in the NEW YEAR! Don’t miss this!

Tis the season that life is full wrapping things up + getting organized for the holidays, so I’ll make this short + sweet…  During this time of year, it’s easy to miss out on  two really important things.    Reflection, celebration + closure AND dancing with your desires + creating a…
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what pink underwear, shiny floors & fairy dust have to do with feeling great & your bottom line?

Environments that influence… I’m feeling rejuvenated & inspired after five days with my son in the “big city” of Vancouver. Granville Island, Robson Street, the library, Fly Over Canada, family & friends & a marathon 11 hours of fun at Playland. As our vacation unfolded, I noticed something that really…
Read moreabout:what pink underwear, shiny floors & fairy dust have to do with feeling great & your bottom line?