Closing the DDA Product Store and the cost of holding onto things

I know I’m not alone when I share that January felt a bit like trying to run in molasses. Countless clients, friends and colleagues all shared the same sentiment that the “new” year is only just beginning for them. So, if you’re feeling like you’re just coming into 2022 now,…
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Days OFF, dragonflies & the power of reflection & celebration. {YOUR FREE MID YEAR REVIEW WORKBOOK & PODCAST}

How is your summer? I planned on taking part of last week off while road tripping to Nelson. I had visions of hiking in the mornings, working by the lake during the day and playing in the evenings. I tried it for one day and at the end of that…
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BREATHE over the holidays + THRIVE in the NEW YEAR! Don’t miss this!

Tis the season that life is full wrapping things up + getting organized for the holidays, so I’ll make this short + sweet…  During this time of year, it’s easy to miss out on  two really important things.    Reflection, celebration + closure AND dancing with your desires + creating a…
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the art + soul of spring clearing + your free template

Ahhh Spring… The birds start to sing, colors emerge, the sniffles dry up, dirt on the windows magically appears & just like clockwork, I get this burning desire to throw out just about everything I own. Yet, I know this is just an outer reflection of something deeper. There is…
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part 2:do you crave a richer, simpler life? less stuff, more meaning…

My extreme desire to simplify is magnifying as the year comes to a close. I know I am not alone. I can honestly share that I let go of more things in my life in 2012 than I have any other year. There were several contributing reasons for the many…
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