During my twenties, I used to joke that “commitment” was the real C word. Freedom was what I most desired which was reflected in every new country I lived in and each different evolution of myself I stepped into. I was so focused on my quest to be untethered from external commitments…

Money stories rise in the unknown {Your FREE Money Story Masterclass IS BACK}

Life and entrepreneurship is filled to the brim with unknowns. During times of uncertainty and new levels of growth, we often feel unsafe. And since your stories – your subconscious beliefs, are literally designed to keep you safe, the more variables beyond your control – real, perceived, challenging or even…
Read moreabout:Money stories rise in the unknown {Your FREE Money Story Masterclass IS BACK}

How I got fiercely focused on the right thing and the DDA Manifesto is here!

While in my creative cave, I hit a few bumps and also found some treasures to share with you. I previously wrote about how life felt like GROUNDHOG DAY and how I made some hard decisions to do some things differently. I then made a deeper, non-negotiable commitment to focus…
Read moreabout:How I got fiercely focused on the right thing and the DDA Manifesto is here!

three super valuable ways to start your year + your annual review template

2014 is here. And it’s not too late to take a moment to tap into three really valuable things you can do to start your New Year in alignment. 1. Give yourself permission to want what you want & change your story to make it happen! Everything you think about…
Read moreabout:three super valuable ways to start your year + your annual review template